Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2012 Tri-State MS Autumn Walk

For thousands of people in the tri-state affected by Multiple Sclerosis, hope has become a reality!
This fall over one thousand walkers will walk together to make a difference in the lives of those living with multiple sclerosis and their families in the tri-state.   In 2001, volunteers established the Tri-State MS Association to offer local services to the many being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and their families, right here at home. Today Tri-State MS offers enhanced local services and specialized health care to over 1,300 families in our community touched by this devastating disease.
Payne Wealth Partners is excited to proudly support the Tri-State Multiple Sclerosis Autumn Walk on Sunday Nov 4that Romain Cross Pointe Auto Park.  Registration is at 12:30 with the walk to begin at 1:30.  There will be lunch, a silent auction and a DJ to spin some tunes. 
You’re invited to join the Payne Wealth Partners team and walk to support Tri-State MS. (Free Payne Wealth Partners t-shirt for those who join our team).  Contact us with your interest 812-477-6221 or email

Friday, October 12, 2012

National Estate Planning Awareness Week

Most people don’t know that there is such a thing, but the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils is getting the word out this year that next week is the National Estate Planning Awareness Week.  A resolution was passed in 2008 creating the proclamation to bring attention to the estimated 120,000,000 Americans that do not have up-to-date estate plans. 
With so much uncertainty in the transfer tax code, income tax code, economy and political environment estate planning has never been more important.  For those with balance sheets above $5 million and complex assets like closely held businesses and real estate, planning is particularly important.  Even if you do not fit this category, there are many non-tax reasons to be thoughtful about estate planning.  If you have questions or concerns, our team of professionals is always available.