Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Is Your Credit Card Information Safe?

An Indianapolis television station recently reported on the potential risks of RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification) on credit and debit cards.  Cards containing this electronic chip are designed to be a faster method of payment by allowing the cardholder to simply wave the card in front of a scanner instead of the “old fashioned” swipe method. 

In the investigation (which can be viewed at, we see on camera how easy it can be to obtain someone’s credit card information – without even touching the cardholder or the card – and then create a clone card to use for purchases.  Even more alarming is the fact that the individual mimicking thievery in this report purchased the equipment online for less than $100. 

The youtube video above describes how to determine whether your card contains a RFID chip.  As technology advances in our society, additional risks will become apparent.