Friday, October 22, 2010

Public-Employee Union is Biggest U.S. Election Outside Spender

One can't help but notice that on the heels of the U.K. announcing significant public-sector job cuts in an effort to balance their budget, in the U.S. the biggest outside spender for the 2010 elections is the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).  Given an early 2010 Supreme Court decision that permits corporations and unions to use their own funds to pay for political ads, AFSCME is directing $87.5 million to help elect Democrats and presumably protect public sector jobs.

AFSCME's membership has grown 25% in the last decade, the Wall Street Journal reports  As government spending at all levels comes into the cross-hairs of those determined to reduce deficits, it is astounding to see the open effort by AFSCME to elect those who they will then turn to and ask for job protection.  Here's hoping the election winners are the candidates who will most honestly approach our budget deficit issues at the local, state and national levels!