We all know people that think they know it all, right? Usually the wisest of a group knows that to be truly successful in any endeavor you must surround yourself with those people that are known to be the most knowledgeable. Any effort to be a true “Mr. Know-it-all” ends in failure while becoming part of a network of intelligent people leads to success. Ed Slott, a leading IRA expert seems to agree. That’s why Ed started a group called the “Ed Slott Elite IRA Advisors”. The purpose of the group is to bring advisors together from across the country on a regular basis to discuss the ever-changing world of IRAs and Qualified Retirement Plans. Today there are trillions of dollars in tax-deferred accounts and the balances are a growing portion of individuals' net worth, making specialized training in this area crucial. Ed also has a team of technical experts available to the members of the group at all times to assist in complex client situations and in developing specific steps in implementing high-end strategies. This network of other experts is precisely why